Repost wears two hats!
1. We are a low-cost recycled CCA treated wooden fence post provider.
2. We are an on-site post processing service, for the Viticulture Industry’s CCA treated wooden fence post waste. -
Repost was co-founded by Greg and Dansy Coppell, sheep and beef farmers in the Howard Valley, and Stu Dudley, a viticulturist in Tasman and Marlborough
Repost was created in late 2020 with processing starting early 2021.
Repost is based in Marlborough where 70% of New Zealand’s wine production takes place, BUT we are always actively seeking new regions!
We repurpose viticulture posts into useful products for kiwis including fence posts. Our most popular products include:
1. 1/4 rounds 1.6 pointed or unpointed
2. 1/4 rounds 1.8 pointed or unpointed
3. 1/2 rounds 1.6 pointed or unpointed
4. 1/2 rounds 1.8 pointed or unpointed5.50 × 50mm 1.2m and 800mm battens
We also sell strainers and 2.4 lengths and more recently have moved into netting, wire and gates.
Repost provides an on-site processing service to the viticulture industry. Many of Marlborough’s wineries and viticulture industry use our services.
The resulting repurposed Repost low-cost recycled wood fence posts, are then available to all forms of the agriculture and horticulture industries across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Furthermore, we work alongside local councils and environmental groups to support wider sustainability aims. You could say our customer base is quite wide!
The viticulture industry in Marlborough makes up 70% of New Zealand’s entire wine production. Marlborough’s vineyards span 30,000 hectares, with roughly 15 million wooden CCA treated posts in place. These posts hold the trellis in place for the grapes and vines to grow on.
Annually approximately 375,000 timber posts, and this is at a conservative count, are damaged during vintage and viticulture activities. Repost was created to help solve this issue, which has been a problem without a solution (except disposal in landfills) for many years. Wineries have partnered with Repost to help lessen the large tonnage of waste which is annually going to landfill, providing them with a second use in their life cycle. Repost is helping the wine industry in its’ goal to be zero waste to landfill by 2050, which we are very proud of.
Repost Fence Posts are strong radiata pine sourced from the Tasman-Nelson- Marlborough region, where many well-known brands process the 2.4m vineyard posts used for winery applications.
Unfortunately not all posts meet Repost’s quality standard. We grade the posts and discard a small number of those that don’t meet this quality standard. We do our best to save as much as possible from landfill while making sure the product we sell to customers will stand the test of time for their second life cycle. We do our best to repurpose as many posts as possible.
Repost fence posts meet the specifications for H4 CCA treatment under the New Zealand Standards specifications 3640:2003. In February 2023, spot testing was taken from the top and bottom pointed ends of both 1/2 and 1/4 rounds from 2 different sites. Of the 8 samples Repost posts average 1.06 TAE%m/m with a pass being anything over 0.72 TAE%m/m. This is great news for Repost to have scientific proof that our recycled CCA treated fence posts meet NZ H4 treatment standards. This means that farmers are getting a quality product; something we already knew but it’s good to have data to back this!
We also knew from real use development on owner Greg Coppell’s father’s farms, over a span of 60 years, wooden fence posts last the test of time!
Unofficially we believe that they have had up to 15 years in the ground of Marlborough wineries. We determine the average age of the posts from onsite data which shows when each vineyard’s development took place. At a very conservative prediction; we believe they’ll have another 35 years left in them. Based on an original lifespan of 50 years.
CCA treatment fully penetrates the wood, therefore the fact the fence post has been broken or newly cut when pointed, it does not affect this. In February 2023’ the bottom/pointed cut ends were tested to prove this. Furthermore, the bottom pointed halves held better treatment levels than the top!
We do advise from personal experience, that driving the cut end into the ground seals it from air as this typically is the cause of issues.
Some may choose to creosote the bottoms, which is a personal preference.
It depends on application, terrain and ground conditions. We have found the majority of we our sales are for unpointed. Those who purchase pointed do so because it is a personal preference and they often don’t have a spike on the post driver during installation.
Post length really depends on application, terrain and ground conditions. Typically you drive the fence posts to a maximum of 600mm into the ground, the remainder of the post is out of the ground which dictates the height of your fence. For example: If you are placing 900mm netting or up to 6 wire you will need a 1.8m fence post. Whereas a 1.6m fence post is perfectly suitable for 700mm or 800mm netting.
We have created a table on our website of what we believe is best for what application, backed by our conversations with farmers that have used our Reposts. Take a look at https://repost.co.nz/post-guide/
Post profile really depends on application, terrain and ground conditions. It also depends on personal preference. ½ rounds are significantly stronger than ¼ rounds in our view.
We have created a table on our website of what we believe it best for what application, backed by our conversations with farmers that have used our Repost posts. Take a look at https://repost.co.nz/post-guide/
The applications are endless! Here are the main applications customers have advised us they have used our posts for to date:
• Sheep/cattle wire fence
• Sheep/cattle netting fence (600mm, 800mm or 900mm)
• Sheep/cattle electric fence (6 wire)
• Sheep/cattle electric fence (4 wire)
• Cattle electric fence (2 wire)
• Post and rail -
As of December 2024 we have recycled 8711 tonnes of broken vineyard posts from landfill, something we are really proud of, and that number continues to grow. It is exactly why Repost was created in co-owner Stuart Dudley’s eyes, to help reduce and solve a huge viticulture industry waste issue.
As of December 2024, we have helped farmers fence over 7953 km of fencing. We are happy to provide farmers with a low-cost product which enables improvement to farms pasture use, planting of green belts and protection of waterways and wetlands.
It is exactly why Repost was created says owner Greg Coppell, to help other farmers on a tight budget to achieve their pasture goals.
Our fence posts are recycled and so you are not only getting a cheaper fence post at 1/4 of a brand new post, but you are doing your bit for the environment by keeping these posts out of landfill. Not to mention our carbon footprint is small due to on-site processing and we combine fence post freight whenever possible.
The posts have only been disguarded as waste by the viticulture industry as they cannot use them for their applications. Our nail puller has allowed them to be repurposed for a 2nd life cycle.
We know the fence posts have a long life left in them, and many Repost customers who have used our products agree.
Simply fill in the order form and a member of our team will be in touch!
You can also purchase smaller orders from selected Mitre 10 stores across NZ. Find our store list here.
We freight anywhere in New Zealand. Our base in is Marlborough; we are aware there is considerable freight costs the further you go from our base. We try our best to work with multiple freight companies to get the best prices for you.
Wherever possible we combine smaller orders to regions. This can mean at times you wait longer for your order. We advise where possible to talk to your neighbours and local communities to combine a truck or truck and trailer for fast and efficient delivery to you, as well as being more cost effective.
We have now added 50×50mm fence battens to 900mm and 1.20m lengths.
We also plan to make 50x50mm pegs/stakes to 300mm and 600mm lengths. Repost are wanting to save as much viticulture waste from landfill as possible. These new products will help us achieve this goal.
We have been and will continue to go to Central Field days and Southland Field days annually.
Let us know if you’d like to see us at an event near you, and we will see what we can do!
Yes! We are now available in selected Mitre 10s across New Zealand. Find our updated stockists here.
Based in Marlborough with stockpiles in Pahiatua and the Taranaki region. Delivery nationwide. Head on over to our Order page to find out more and contact us at customerservice@repost.co.nz