Winepress: Wineries Best Practice
Winepress: April 2024 Edition
Message from Repost founders - Greg and Stu.
In March, we advertised our winery waster solution to you, thank you to those wineries who touched base for the upcoming harvest. We charge 80% of landfill fees to repurpose your broken vineyard posts by grading them, removing nails, clips and plastic, cutting them to size and then bundling them up ready for farmers’ fence lines.
In choosing Repost, you’ve helped keep 5557 tonnes out of landfill and have given the posts the lifespan they are designed for. Your waste has fenced over 5740km of kiwi land to date, supporting NZ farmers , so thank you!
After what is looking to be a short sharp harvest, lik co-founder viticulturist Stu, your vineyards teams will soon be checking, replacing and removing broken posts to your site’s stock pile. To save time and money, do consider below advice from our team for efficiency during stockpiling.
Best Stockpile Practices
Where to stack them: Ideally not in the shade, so they are dry. On a flat sight with sufficient area to stockpile and operate ladders. Along a reasonably firm road and trailer access.
How to best stack posts: Ideally the broken posts should be stacked, stockpile with broken ends facing one way.
What can and can’t be recycled/what to do with the rest: We can recycle any of your CCA treated timber posts over 900mm, so if you can separate broken ends into a separate pile please. We can take those ends to landfill at your cost or leave it for you to deal with at you own convenience.
Combining up with neighbours/sub regional groups: Communicate with your neighbouring vineyards in the same sub region can really help with efficiency. If your winery has multiple sites, relocate posts to a central area. This saves cost and faster and efficient waste removal on your site and your neighbours, and makes sense for all involved.
What numbers make it worthwhile for Repost to turn up: Repost processes 1000 posts a day, a post every 25 seconds. For stockpiles lesser than 1000, contact General Manager Liam 022 525 0130 who can T-up drop off to our new Spring Creek base 2249 State Highway 1. This is by appointment only.
Access requirements: Ideally the ground should be reasonably firm, all weather site. If not, we can book you in for the dryer months of the year.