Repost: Using No.8 wire mentality to recycle CCA treated timber posts

At Repost, we are striving to look at how we can grow our service to more regions and continue to reduce the number of posts headed to landfill annually, all while providing our posts to the larger agriculture sector. If we are in more regions, and if we are reducing more waste to landfill it will benefit more environmental stewardship.

Sustainability and recycling is what we do and our passion is to not only help the viticulture industry in their goal to be zero waste by 2050, but also support the backbone of NZ: the everyday farmer who needs to continue vital on-farm post maintenance.

Working with WasteMINZ has been a logical partnership for us here at Repost.
WasteMINZ is the largest representative body of Aotearoa New Zealand's waste, resource recovery and contaminated land sectors.


RNZ: Low-cost posts for farms and no landfill charges for vineyards


Farmer Yarn No.1: Lesley Coppell